August 04, 2022

What We Do

What We Do

The beginning of August 2022

A note from Fee

People, family, friends, they are the most important things in our lives and all we do everyday is for them. A lot of this can be quite mundane, repetitive... get up, go to school, clear up, put away, feed the dog etc. But the great moments, maybe almost the reason we live, are the moments when we get together. Be it friends around the kitchen table after work, or supper for one hundred and fifty of your nearest and dearest at a party to celebrate life, a life worth celebrating. This is what we do, what we love to do, to get people together, no fuss, no fiddle, just enable that moment, that underestimated, precious moment to sit together and eat, drink, chat, laugh and cry... cry a lot if you are me, cry because of the love, the sadness, the happiness, the overwhelming kindness, compassion and fun. Cry because of the crazy moments of madness, near the edge failure, catastrophe saved in the nick of time, and the memories, all of it making up a life, a very imperfect life, but always the best moments are around a table with friends. So really, it is very simple.